So glad I found this site. Your tongue is exactly the same as mine. It drives me crazy. I’ve had this condition since childhood but it never bothered me as much as this year. I took lamisil for a fungal infection and it’s made my geographic tongue worse than ever.
I’ve tried all the rinses and nystatin etc and it doesn’t help
Thanks again for posting I’m glad I’m not the only one
I always get a bit of this when I eat lebanese food, or cherry tomatoes.
Your tongue looks a hell of a lot like mine, line down the middle and all. Always thought i was the only one.
I have this geographic tongue as well. . it’s the pits!?
So glad I found this site. Your tongue is exactly the same as mine. It drives me crazy. I’ve had this condition since childhood but it never bothered me as much as this year. I took lamisil for a fungal infection and it’s made my geographic tongue worse than ever.
I’ve tried all the rinses and nystatin etc and it doesn’t help
Thanks again for posting I’m glad I’m not the only one
I always get a bit of this when I eat lebanese food, or cherry tomatoes.
Your tongue looks a hell of a lot like mine, line down the middle and all. Always thought i was the only one.
I have this geographic tongue as well. . it’s the pits!?