More links to other beading articles I’ve written, plus tightened-up writing overall, has made this post worth reading again! Click to read more about how I design my beaded jewelry!
Category Archives: Saturday with the Spark
Creative pursuits and life-related happenings.
Redo: Sight-Reading: An Acquired Taste
This post has been rewritten from bottom to top–even the title is different! Click to see my post about learning the art of sight-reading–even experienced musicians require some practice, as I’ve discovered!
Redo: Piano Playing: Easy to Start, Hard to Master
Today’s post has gotten a complete rewrite and even a new title! Come check out my article on the emotional range that pianos can express, and how you can start making your piano “sing” with emotion of any sort!
Redo: Perfect Pitch
With many more informative links and a better structure, this refreshed post about perfect pitch is ready for anyone to read. Click and learn more about this interesting phenomenon, and the ongoing research about it!
Redo: Novel Therapy
I went back and refreshed this post about my novel, describing the process that led me to writing one in the first place. If you’re toying with the idea of writing your own novel but just can’t seem to get started, check out my post for inspiration–after all, I never thought I’d be a novelist, either!
Redo: Seeing and Feeling Music
I went back and polished up this post about sound-color synesthesia, adding in a video and several links for further information. If you’ve never heard of synesthesia and wonder how someone could “see” and “feel” music, click the link and discover my real-life visual and tactile musical experiences!
Redo: Poems: Kernels of Art
Ever wondered why poetry exists? Well, I have one theory, expressed in today’s rewritten creativity post. Read on to discover how poetry and all other art forms are actually connected!
Redo: Journals in Verse: My Personal Poetry
Today’s rewritten poetry article got a bit bigger and more helpful–if you’ve never tried poetry, read this article and see if you don’t get inspired to work with it! 😀
Redo: A Twist in the Web: Complex Subplots in Simple Storylines
I went back and added quite a bit more to this small article about a surprising little subplot I came up with for my novel. Now there’s advice on how to work in a crazy little twist to your own stories! 😀
Redo: Happy Little (Sketched) Tree
This reworked art post was downright fun to edit! I added a few helpful links and better explanations, and now it’s ready for viewing again. Click and see how I can draw when I actually put my mind to it, LOL!