Graceful Shades and Lines: The Art of Rebecca Guay

Of all the art in Magic: the Gathering, many of my favorite card arts come from one artist: Rebecca Guay.

She’s well known throughout many fantasy gaming franchises, such as Magic: the Gathering, the World of Warcraft TCG, and Dungeons and Dragons, but I first became acquainted with her art through M:TG. I was immediately drawn to her use of subtle shading, thin lines, and overall soft coloring, plus the general subject matter of beautiful natural landscapes and graceful yet powerful ladies dressed in flowing, soft fabrics. All the pictures seemed like the kind of illustrations I remembered from fairy tale books, just right for some of the fantasy flavor that M:TG included in its worlds.

So, with this appreciation for her artwork, it seemed only right that I should honor some of my favorite Magic: the Gathering card arts by her in a blog post. Scroll through and see what I mean about “graceful shades and lines!”

angelicpage angelicrenewal
angelicwall atalyasamitemaster
auramancer calmingverse
devoutharpist dwellonthepast
elvishlyrist enchantresspresence
gaeasblessing haruonna
nantukoshrine oborobreezecaller
planeswalkersfavor predict
resuscitate samiteblessing
seedtime serrasblessing
silentattendant starlitangel
sustainingspirit travelerscloak
wallofwood wanderlust
wordsofworship yavimayadryad

For More Information (where I retrieved all the card images)
Wikipedia article about Rebecca Guay
Gatherer Card Search: Cards illustrated by Rebecca Guay

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