Don’t think music and webdesign really go together all that well? This post might just change your mind!
Category Archives: Monday in the HTMLab
All about web design and development, and my triumphs and defeats therein.
Redo: The Lowly Transparent Shim
How-to and history combine in this post about the transparent shim, the unsung layout hero in days gone by. See how this old-school trick can still be of use today!
Redo: Keeping Up with the Webmasters
Ever noticed how web trends and fads go in and out of style? Isn’t it exhausting to try to keep up with it all? Here are 3 ways you can make a great-looking site without having to follow every single webdesign trend!
Redo: Research: The Dreaded “R” Word
Want to know how to write more compelling content? Just a bit of research can give your article new depth and meaning!
Redo: Why I Chose to Write a Multi-Topic Blog
My blog might seem weird, with its 6 different topics, but here’s why I chose this format and have stuck with it!
Redo: The Renaissance of Web Animations
This old post got a new title and new content–see some all-new best practices on working with web animations!
Redo: It’s Trendy To Be Illustrated
More and more websites have lots of images and very little text–but is there still a place for text in today’s modern Web? Find out my answer, behind the click!
Redo: Hits Don’t Really Matter
In today’s updated post, I discuss how the number of hits that websites get actually doesn’t matter all that much. Curious to know why? Click to find out!
Redo: Feed Some RSS To Me
Ever wanted to incorporate an RSS feed into your site, but weren’t sure how? Today’s RSS feed post has your shortcut, behind the click!
Redo: Get a Fix on Position: Fixed
Better explanations in shorter text–a win-win situation for any advice blogger like me! Learn how fixed elements in webdesign aren’t completely extinct yet!