My cooking fails are pretty legendary (not quite as legendary as this triple-layer-fail above, but pretty amazing). From burnt popcorn that set off my dorm’s fire alarm to Hamburger Helper that overflowed out of the skillet and covered about half the stove, I’ve made some pretty big kitchen bloopers in my day. But it looks like I’m not the only one with problems in the kitchen–at least, if these pictures are to be believed!
Someone took the directions a little too literally–and mathematically. XD
We’re having fried eggs for breakfast…and fried shells, too, apparently.
The plaintive note along with the aforementioned chewy cupcakes makes this all the funnier.
Hey, I’ve made those pancakes before–they make great Frisbees!
This is, um…a rather creative take on boiling pasta…
Mmm, melted cutting board, my favorite!
I’m sensing a distinct lack of a muffin tin here.
Yep, that’s an ELECTRIC kettle burned onto a stove eye. I think Grandma may have been oblivious to what “electric kettle” means.
I’ve heard of sticky rice, and I’ve heard of rice cakes. This right here is a giant rice CLUMP.
That egg is not just hard-boiled, it’s PURPLE-boiled.
Um, I know dry spaghetti looks like long fireplace matches, but dang.
Methinks somebody microwaved this can with the metal lid on.
Whatever this may have been before the oven got to it, it is now “Unrecognizable Nom.”
And these three images teach us that food should never be cooked on a bare oven rack…
Yep, I’ve burned several thousand calories with this method, and it did help me lose weight–sorta, in a roundabout way…LOL
In case you were wondering, plastic doesn’t really cook things that well on the stove.
This has to be the laziest addition of cheese to pasta I’ve ever seen.
Pro tip: When there’s heat in the oven, that’s a good thing. When there’s an actual FIRE in the oven, something is WRONG.
3 thoughts on “Cooking Fails: I’m Not Alone!”